Notice how there's more and more Korean comment on Treasure's video, it makes me so happy, i hope it continues.
@lily_sophiechan2 ай бұрын
yes.. i do notice it too. im sorry, im a new teume. but whats wrong with kteume.. they usually dont comment in utube?
@teumeimnida2 ай бұрын
@@lily_sophiechanTreasure is korean group but they really famous at Japan and a lot of promotion YG did it at Japan that made Treasure was noticeless at Korea so when he/she said they found a lot of Korean comments, it's means Treasure was slowly was noticed by Korean ❤
@adeebamushtaq66632 ай бұрын
@@lily_sophiechan In Korea treasure is not that famous and usually there are only international comments in their videos
@weiyinglanzhan17782 ай бұрын
@@lily_sophiechan Korean barely knows them because YG never promote them(there are Kteume but they barely shows unless it's for concert) So it's a sign that they were getting the recognition.
@shhhtreasure2 ай бұрын
@@weiyinglanzhan1778 yeah after mama performance I think we are getting some kteumes in this Teu-land. If the US tour get successful I think we will get more international teumes too. Hoping for the best😊
@grooinhere2 ай бұрын
Treasure being nervous before their stadium performance despite being called performance kings. They’re so real for that! Thanks for sharing the process with us.
@iamhueee2 ай бұрын
Manager Do is so funny together with J-line. Love all of their moments so much!
@ly_smileylass14272 ай бұрын
This Treasure Content Mostly Seems to Feature a Free & Simple 🇯🇵 Language Lesson from my Own Point of View. 😉
@kyu0909S22 ай бұрын
짧아요.. 더 길게주세요😂
@붐바라비밤바2 ай бұрын
@yulseo98312 ай бұрын
제발 ㅜㅜㅜㅠㅠㅠ😢
@harutopia_92 ай бұрын
@레몬티-k6p2 ай бұрын
@intannkh79282 ай бұрын
What is tramp?
@nazimtiaz66592 ай бұрын
we want tmap season 04
@vinitapaojee59752 ай бұрын
My heart flutters whenever I see Asahi, he's so handsome.❤
@かまぼこ-z7o6x2 ай бұрын
@rene-vi4db2 ай бұрын
the thumbnail omg asahi so cute 😭
@juntakkee2 ай бұрын
이 슈퍼팝의 그들의 옷은 정말 좋다!! 스타일리시한 YG가 트레저에게 트렌디한 옷을 주고 그들에게 맞도록 해주세요!!
@SpaceSweeper2 ай бұрын
Asahi with funny face as thumbnail, it can't be ignored to click it fast than my blink 😂
DoSaYoTo is cute hahahah treasure did well for super pop!!! i always proud of you guys~ please try new new member set next time. Hyunsuk with Doyoung Jeongwoo Junghwan. Must be cute member set hahahaha
@ly_smileylass14272 ай бұрын
@@agirlfromearth26 Wondering How will Mashiho-Kun React to this Treasure Content if He Really Watches it Away from the Public Eye. (After Redebuting as a J-Pop Soloist in 🇯🇵 Within this June.) Hmm.... 🤔
super popの思い出がよみがえる✨久しぶりにTREASUREにあって幸せだった👍緊張しているのがめっちゃ伝わったので掛け声をいつもより頑張った🎉TREASURE💎大好き
@東海-m3j2 ай бұрын
普通に日本楽しんでる4人、最高;;💗 遠目から拝みたい🤤
@Kyu-nim00z2 ай бұрын
9:25 asahi leader moment 😍😍🔥🔥
@ilyeayy2 ай бұрын
트레저야.. 나는 오사카도 가고싶어..ㅠㅠ
@ayanooon2 ай бұрын
SUPER POP行きました! ORANGEのJPverが聴けて本当にうれしかったです! あんなに楽しませてくれたSUPER POPでこんなに緊張してると思ってなくて、がんばってくれたんだなとうれしくなりました! みんなかっこよかったよ! いつか絶対TREASUREとしてスタジアムに立とうね!!!
@やまだろう2 ай бұрын
@user-mm5tx4sl4v2 ай бұрын
ありがてぇ… 非常に助かる動画だ…
@hwani0292 ай бұрын
도매니저님 너무 귀여우시네요 ㅎㅎ
@wittykid02262 ай бұрын
얘들아.. 다음엔 스타디움 투어 가즈아👏👏👏
@ピコぽんぽこ丸2 ай бұрын
@c-kdramaaddiction97542 ай бұрын
I felt so emotional when they all said it's first time performing in stadium, i hope they get to perform their oulwn tour in big big stadium, treasure will he recognised by more people ❤
@royal_blue-e2 ай бұрын
They performed in kyocera dome with 45k+ people,,, that one was bigger than this tho