jaehyuk willingly came to sahi to receive compliments aww so cute
@dalilajuarez46965 ай бұрын
Y no me d
@武田柚希-k9r5 ай бұрын
@zarithn01655 ай бұрын
bahahhaa i luv sahi & jae friendship! Glad they've a good time vibing around KLCC park & thank you TRE4SURE for coming to Malaysia, see you in next tour! xoxo
@Pelup45 ай бұрын
고생해주신 에디터님, 모든 스태프분들, 트레저분들께 감사드립니다
@Popaiimnida235 ай бұрын
@MsNL-hh1ku5 ай бұрын
Glad Asahi and Jaehyuk covered Kuala Lumpur ❤ Very fun to watch!
@heekoon5 ай бұрын
YG editors, thank you for using that Sahi photo as a thumbnail Now I can expect more teumes to click the video and watch their content coz it seems that recently only few are tuning in. [Remember: "RE:ALL TREASURE" was said to be the content that merges all TREASURE contents into one (if my memory serves me right), so we might not get any series like before BUT THIS, maybe not even TMAP. So please support as much as you can.]
@noopnip_5 ай бұрын
sahi's cam is such a good vibes ❤
@yunn5415 ай бұрын
なんだこれ…みんな愛しくて泣けてきちゃったな トレ推してて幸せだな
@Rosesared5 ай бұрын
re:all is the first show by Treasure in which I see mostly Korean comments make me feel good ❤. Treasure deserve the whole world
@justbecause22825 ай бұрын
ikr, since the previous episode i saw many Korean comments❤
@Rosesared5 ай бұрын
@@justbecause2282 yes because yg start promoting them in sk
@rejj215 ай бұрын
The way I got shy when Asahi takes off his shirt. I seriously didn't expect that. Omg
@Ropina_mathius5 ай бұрын
I don't know why, but every time I see Asahi's face, I immediately laugh. Asahi is so funny. 😂
@vipuntilwhenever5 ай бұрын
I love Jeongwoo's style. Dream college boyfriend vibes 😍
@mariakiko5 ай бұрын
Jae’s sweet ‘Sahi-ya’ i folded!! JaeSahi layag na layag walang makakabuwag!! Never lulubog kahit yung editor na mismo number 1 fan
@user-gl6xt1us9t5 ай бұрын
@5changbin5 ай бұрын
하.. 아사히.. 너무좋네..
@livelifewithv5 ай бұрын
It's basically a JaeSahi date 😅 they are so cute
@kpopisok5 ай бұрын
asahi has the best filmography, photography and aesthetic and rchitecture and interior design and style. please sahi if you read this we need a photbook of you.
Perfect. I've been rewatching Treasure Map and Treasure World, glad I have new content to watch.
@ell1q5 ай бұрын
oh my god samee I've been rewatching teumap over and over again , it's so nice to have new vids to watch
@jh__zlB5 ай бұрын
アジェほんとにかわいい〜ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 2人の空気感めっちゃすき🌟🌟
@ZhCn-fh1qs5 ай бұрын
@slow02185 ай бұрын
사히캠도 백만번 볼거예오 😊넘나좋아 왤케좋아 🎉다음캠도 어찌 기다리죵🫨
@j.a.72695 ай бұрын
ga bosen aku liat vlog mereka berdua nih...vlog 2 bestie random memang bikin hahahaha :-D
@doyness5 ай бұрын
damn nothing feels better than getting to see treasure again!!!
@mptegjg5 ай бұрын
@Basicofdoyie5 ай бұрын
OMG! Asahi abs make me crazy 😵
@hono17395 ай бұрын
@chaiantoinnette16675 ай бұрын
JAESAHI FED US SO WELL!!! ❤❤ Dobby is next im so excited!!! ❤❤
@illailla31365 ай бұрын
i love howw this group understand about consent so much...
@vic_08215 ай бұрын
あさひが服脱いだ!まじでやばい 筋肉思ってた以上にあって死ぬ🫠 感謝しかない!🫶🏻
@moon-lf1qm5 ай бұрын
@Navi-kn1cp5 ай бұрын
@justbecause22825 ай бұрын
i like jaesahi's friendship, they are so close at eachother. hope u guys will always happy together and thx u for all your hardwok guys Treasure's member❤
@jungk00kie335 ай бұрын
I can literally watch asahi's daily life vlogs forever n never get sick of it
@maruma76715 ай бұрын
Asahi is so cute & pretty with that hairstyle!❤ The morning routine is funny😅 Jaesahi always so sweet together!🥰 Doyoung cam next?🤔😊
@sahi3r5 ай бұрын
아사히 사랑해
@anzujam5 ай бұрын
@myyouthsummer5 ай бұрын
쩡캠 다음 주자가 누구인지 궁금했는데 사히였구나! 우리 사히캠으로 힐링하는 오늘 하루가 최고다🩵 사히야 덕분에 오늘 하루가 행복으로 가득찼어 고마워🩵
@H.90_5 ай бұрын
Why has it been so long I haven't seen them? I missed them when I watched it. Turns out the person behind the video is my favorite person, Asahi. Beautiful coincidence. I didn't forget you, but he had work
@사히힛5 ай бұрын
아고 사히야 귀여워요
@えびふらい-c4p5 ай бұрын
なんてかわいいアジェの夏休み!!! 2人でカフェで穏やかに過ごして、楽しんでるのすごくよかった〜
@레몬티-k6p5 ай бұрын
우리가 좋아하는거 다 있어 이거다
@percyjackson11565 ай бұрын
this is actually just proving how much time jaesahi spend time together and how good they get along❤ they love each other so much 😂
@asx.n15 ай бұрын
아사히 복근 뭔데 미쳤네 01즈 너무 좋다ㅠㅠㅠ
@kyoongzz5 ай бұрын
asahi shirtless power sampe trending ke 18 di indonesia 😭🤚
@tigerkoala69165 ай бұрын
Asahi’s Abs is kiling ny sight!!!! Arghhh
@なつ-g1o5 ай бұрын
もう何なの😭😭情報過多過ぎて心臓壊れる 永久保存版の動画になりました。
@shuusshoogway5 ай бұрын
Doyoung sticking to Asahi is so cute
@sah1_825 ай бұрын
사히의 레전드 복근 나왔다 대박이야😭😭😭
@레몬티-k6p5 ай бұрын
재밌다 재밌다 미쳤다 이건데 한주만에 편집자가 바뀌셨나 너무 재밌다 다음주도 또 해주세요
@AchAch025 ай бұрын
I watch it 4x already but keep coming back
@linillionairestv82565 ай бұрын
Omg Asahi the abs! Thank you for this boys, 화이팅 트레저 자랑스러워
@Maria_13164 ай бұрын
이 에피소드는 정말 재미있었어요! TREASURE가 얼마나 행복한지, 그리고 그들의 화학작용이 너무 좋아요. 쿠알라룸푸르에서의 그들의 모험은 정말 멋져요! 더 많은 걸 기다려요!🎉
@sahikyushi87165 ай бұрын
Asahi is my ult and the way he is the member who got chosen to do a self cam in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia!?? like--- THIS IS DESTINY FR!!! Im moreee than honored to have my bias filming his dayy in my country, Malaysia!! Ps: im literally not expecting sahi to open his shirt Infront of the camera and the editor noona didn't edit that out 🙂 yooo i caught off guard when i see that!
I love you ASAHI 💙 and thank you TREASURE for coming to MALAYSIA 🇲🇾. IT WAS SUCH A GREAT PERFORMANCE 💎
@daphnie_lele5 ай бұрын
Legend... this ep definitely is legend...
@naokichow2565 ай бұрын
lots of love from MALAYSIA~~thank you for coming to MALAYSIA~ and please come again~~ LOVE Y'ALL~TREASURE~
@pinkskyjpg5 ай бұрын
Junghwan is such a cutie pie when asahi pointing camera at him 🩷🩷
@jnssibnd5 ай бұрын
Every time the members are together I can feel so much love among them
@xinying2635 ай бұрын
hahahah the member who picked from asahi definitely is doyoung 100% never lie , doyoung himself will speak like that
@vern98725 ай бұрын
지구 최고의 컨텐츠 헤어나올 수 없는 리올 트레저 편....
@vitianahdia79995 ай бұрын
아사히 너무 잘생가나 ~~🫶😭
@rinarmhaie5 ай бұрын
It’s so cuteee how they talk to each other (jaehyuk &asahi) the tone of their voice is different 🫶🏻 like a baby talk hehe
@reinamath235 ай бұрын
Aww cute how Jae receive compliments from Asahi also jaesahi vlog is the best in Asahi cam and OMG ASAHI ABS REALLY ATTRACTIVE SEXY ❤😭😱🥰
@user-oh3jy8ul2m5 ай бұрын
最近好きになりました、新規トゥメです!! トゥメ姉さんの皆様、これからよろしくお願いします!!
@TomEgu-i1m5 ай бұрын
@이지현-g7c4g5 ай бұрын
리올트레저 진짜좋아 트맵만큼 재밋어요
@ooo-333105 ай бұрын
unexpected revealing abs from asahi😮
@DonaldDuck_a5 ай бұрын
@rosesarered55395 ай бұрын
神編集!!! 神コンテンツ!!!
@kingsleyyan32805 ай бұрын
finally, malaysia kuala lumpur
@xhsnoona5 ай бұрын
jaesahi is so tom & jerry coded >< thank you for this vlog!! finally got the healing screen time where those 2 puppies become viral lying under the sun 😂