TREASURE - 팩트체크 ✔️ 준규는 정말 눈물이 없을까? 😭 준규 눈물 체크

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@ellèyvne 9 ай бұрын
yesterday hyunsuk said in their haarper bazar interview that "junkyu cries more than you would think" we must protect him at all cost ㅠㅠ
@jwynsx4047 Жыл бұрын
The way hyunsuk reacted himself, can wait next episode. Those moments are legend😭😂.
@뀨월뀨일 Жыл бұрын
하얗고 뽀둥한 얼굴로 과거영상 보면서 못 견뎌하고 킹받아 함ㅋㅋ 과 나름 은근 또 좋아하는 게 왤케 귀엽냐ㅋㅋㅋ 잘 울 거 같은데 어지간해선 울지 않는 게 준규한테 치인 포인트 중 하나임
@fia_bmy Жыл бұрын
CHOI HYUNSUK & JUNKYU 😭 My favorite boys since mixnine. You two deserved the love in the world ❤
@achi_s_dumpp Жыл бұрын
@triutaminurhasanah8823 Жыл бұрын
The way hyunsuk screaming at the end after the video of his predebut days showed up is sooo cuteeeee👶🏻🤏🏼🦔 hahaha his reaction is everything 🤣🤣🤣👍🏻 he cant’t watch himself LOL
@Kyu_girlss 8 ай бұрын
@WithAnotherlover Жыл бұрын
Junkyu isn't easily crying and his cutie and bright side said it all. Hyunsuk is really funny without trying hahaha
@angiemoranobucal Жыл бұрын
Junky cried at that one episode of YGTB. When the time he is so loss of confidence. And he find it hard to be a trainee.
@247kyu Жыл бұрын
준규,, 앞으로도 슬퍼서 우는 일은 없어야해요..🧅🩵
@nat9354 Жыл бұрын
준규는 이미지와 달리 쿨한 남자.아이구.너무 귀엽다
@missautonomy8510 Жыл бұрын
Hyunsuk and Junkyu could talk for an hour or more and its still fun for me to watch. Just like their livestream before MAMA awards where they treated us to a dental clinic POV🤣
@treasureis1252 Жыл бұрын
where is it?like you do have the video or something?
@pairofseoks Жыл бұрын
​@@treasureis1252 it's on weverse
@treasureis1252 Жыл бұрын
@missautonomy8510 Жыл бұрын
@@treasureis1252 ur welcome 😄
@Mystar-hh4vy Жыл бұрын
Hyunsuk's scream at the ending and suddenly ending the video 🤣🤣 . Today ep is really fun.
@betty916 Жыл бұрын
Junkyu and hoodies are never separated.
@thisiskyoong701 Жыл бұрын
어떻게 말하면 현석이랑 쥰규가 둘이 같이 있으면 젤 편해 보여🥺 제일 오래동안 같이 했으니까 그리구 같이 겪었던 과거도 있고 젤 친구 보이는거같아서요 (거의 정신적 지주네 둘이 진짜 오래오래 서로 곁에 있으면 좋겠어여 서로 의지도 하구
@youlinmaker Жыл бұрын
준규랑 현석이랑 둘이 같이 있으니까 둘 다 진짜 편해 보인다. 역시 함께 한 세월은 어디 안가나봐^^
@rasyafathiya Жыл бұрын
Their friendship is a bit underrated but I think their bond is the strongest 🫂
@SN_destiny321 Жыл бұрын
Well, you know Hyunsuk, Junkyu, Jihoon, and Doyoung have been together the longest out of the rest, so it's not weird that their bond would be the strongest. They've been together over 6-7 years now or longer than that now, while the other members like the J-Line, Jaehyuk, Jeongwoo, and Junghwan were with them around YGTB or a bit before the show. Hyunsuk, Junkyu, Jihoon, and Doyoung knows each other the best out of the rest.
@sadyotazu_ Жыл бұрын
Junkyu has a very strong mentality and doesn't cry easily.
@이름뭐할거없다 Жыл бұрын
아닠ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 준규 너무 귀여워 순수한 것 같아 😊 단 양파라고 착한말 양파라고 말하는게 준귀다😍😍😍
@ImLyandra Жыл бұрын
Junkyu looks very adorable, when watching his own video
@erinapjoshi6520 Жыл бұрын
I need Junkyu as my therapist. He knows when to act cute and make us smile and when to get serious and give us some pretty deep life lessons. He has a strong personality that can get through tough times and support others around him. I am glad that he cries alone in his room and doesn't bottle up emotions. He is so precious 🥺
@SN_destiny321 Жыл бұрын
This here is Junkyu being himself.
@aziteume723 Жыл бұрын
Hyunsuk screaming at the end after his predebut clip showed up really cracks me up😭🤣 pls his reaction is the cutest!!🤣
@notrust6677 Жыл бұрын
Literally the besties duo of : Hyunsuk Cries ALL THE TIME and Junkyu that NEVER cries 😹💜
@sintiarahmawati1753 Жыл бұрын
@uunno Жыл бұрын
앜 보석함이후로 현석이랑 준규조합 보기 어려웠는데 넘나 좋다ㅠ준규랑 밖에서 밥먹는 영상도 올려주세요ㅎ내새뀌들 오구오구 사랑해🫰🫰🫰
@imhonokam13 Жыл бұрын
울지 않아도 좋지만 무리하지마. 우리 소중한 준규야!!!!!
@soul_lamifasol Жыл бұрын
Hyunsuk screamed for his life at the end lmao
@kyuala_x Жыл бұрын
I'm sad to look back at Junkyu's show on mix nine and the treasure box, he once lost his self-confidence. But look now, Junkyu is already shining and confident ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ💖
@anggungina2304 Жыл бұрын
junkyu happy i'm happy too, he smile i'm smile too, but if you feel sad, don't hold back your tears, let it out and tell everything to feel calm.....always happy my kyu kyu❤❤🐨🐨
@teurealsunitednation9978 Жыл бұрын
Two lovely people we always love and support through thick and thin We love you both Hyunsuk and Junkyu💕
@yourstardusttt Жыл бұрын
Junkyu tears is a pearl !❤
@AoiGreen Жыл бұрын
Junkyu and Hyunsuk!! Love to see their pre debut memories 😍. Thanks for this duo! and Hyunsuk's reaction at the end is too funny 😂. It's like me when I feel embarrassed. hehe
@betty916 Жыл бұрын
My babies i miss them all ...Orange still my favorite song until now, Sukie always full of swag, Junkyu has grow up so well. LOVE YOU my Treasure
@alifakyu8209 Жыл бұрын
Junkyu has vocal,visual, personality he has everything he's so Perfect and most importantly dancing,,too..🥰🐨🔥
@츄띵n소 Жыл бұрын
정말 멘탈이 강한 남자다!!! 뀨딩아 항상 행복하세용!!!
@farindiasfarindias663 Жыл бұрын
Junkyu suits any color Hoodie, he looks handsome even though he is actually handsome💖💎💝🐨
@레몬티-k6p Жыл бұрын
준규 울지 않아도 좋으니깐 늘 행복했으면 좋겠다❤❤
@Watanablue88 Жыл бұрын
This is the real Junkyu ❤ with his serious tone but cutie expressions 😂
@treasuremaker5474 Жыл бұрын
Seeing them like this makes me always feel special because they are my strength who makes me happier when I'm sad and they have grown up so fast like it was a blink of an eye its already been 3 years since I started stanning them but never felt like it's been so long love you treasure members always gonna support you so stay strong and more happier love you ❤🎉
@tetechi Жыл бұрын
We are one!❤
@treasuremaker5474 Жыл бұрын
@@tetechi yeah ♥
@ameliaanggra Жыл бұрын
Finally, they've screen time togetherr
@walnut_0203 Жыл бұрын
나중에 준규오빠 철학수업 컨텐츠 해줬으면 좋겠다 ㅎㅎ
@류나아-r1z Жыл бұрын
준규야 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 속상하거 슬플때만 우니까 평생 울지말자!!!
@fannytan5878 Жыл бұрын
CHOI HYUNSUK AND KIM JUNKYU guys who really have funny faces like Maknae they are also handsome💎💙😊
This is so !!!!! I love this FACT CHECK! More please YG!
@Su_nep Жыл бұрын
I always feel happy when I see them... Makes my day more better 💙
@rhyme99l Жыл бұрын
아~악!!! 이론 영상 리액션이 지인짜 좋아요 ㅋㅋㅋ 준규야, 울어도 웃어도 돼.. 근데 그 현석 입덕 영상 리액션 도 보고싶어요 ㅠㅠ 웨 짧게 만들어요???!
@windaseptiany8625 Жыл бұрын
@teumebb 10 ай бұрын
my astro girlie ass fact checked too that kyu is a cap moon 😭.. as a fellow cap moon, i rarely cry but i only cry when i'm alone lol.. i love you, kyukyu.. also our cancer moon sukkie is such a sweetheart.. thank you for being there with kyu all the time.. ily both 🩵
@solaniaa Жыл бұрын
Te amo Junkyu gracias por sacarme de la depresión 😢❤
@싕규 Жыл бұрын
웃겨죽음 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ❤ 와 준규현석 믹스나인때부터 고생했다ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ진짜루ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ👍🏻더더잘될수있게 응원할게요 화이팅❤이제 꽃길만걷쟈
@Vvvvvvveeeeeeie Жыл бұрын
막콘에서 현석이가 행복해서 눈물이 안난다는 준규말을 이제 알것같다 했던게 너무ㅜㅠㅠㅠㅠ 기억에 남아요ㅠㅠ 그래서 다시 보러 왔어요
@user_offline_3v Жыл бұрын
ㅋㄹㅋㄱㅋㄹㅋㄹㅋㅋㅋㅋ 최현덕 긔엽넹ㅇ~~~~💙 이 뀨띠빠띠들아 웃겨줘서 고마웡 >(ㅎㅁㅎ)
@NurulQmryh Жыл бұрын
International teume : "Admin nim, we need eng sub asap" 😢
@ahgasegayadanar8249 Жыл бұрын
I know when JunKyu cry
@hwnshine5241 Жыл бұрын
5 minute with sukkyu aaaaa finally my 2 biased ㅠㅠ
@kimjunkyu07 Жыл бұрын
오빠 준규 사랑스러운 소큐트
@pandacookies206 Жыл бұрын
I love seeing them together. They've been tgt for a long time 🥺
@mysterioussharky Жыл бұрын
hyunsuk hearing you talk always make me happy
@은은-v5w Жыл бұрын
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ그냥 준규ㅈ고문영상 아니냐고ㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@watdapanda Жыл бұрын
@mozii_ Жыл бұрын
상당히 귀엽네요 현석이 준규.
@evelyneagashi Жыл бұрын
둘이 있으면 하루도 즐겁고 웃지않는 날이 없지 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ이 둘뿐이네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ너무 웃어서 어메이징😮😂💙💙✨💎💎✨🇮🇩🇮🇩😘🤍
@missautonomy8510 Жыл бұрын
Its sooooooo short. I need more Junkyu x Hyunsuk contents 😭 Its so rare to get contents from both of them together now. From Mixnine until now, love them both sooooooooooooo much💙
@bininyeyoci1628 Жыл бұрын
Wow, it's really funny when the last part hyunsuk screamed😭😂😂
@helenalindfors7410 Жыл бұрын
CHOIHYUNSUK has vocal, visual, personality he has everything he's so perfect and most importantly dancing, Rap too
@treasuremaker5474 Жыл бұрын
Saali😂😂 we know he has this specialities that's why we love them 😂❤
@user_offline_3v Жыл бұрын
당신은 ctrl+c, ctrl+v 좀 그만해야 할 필요성이 있어
@ly_smileylass1427 Жыл бұрын
Geez, Why Most of Us are Always Seeing You Repeating the Same Comment on Almost All of the Treasure-Related 🎥📽 (for All of the 12 👦 Themselves) Since the 1st "Idol Einstein" Episode on Last August? Although I am Not Heavily Affected at All, Hope that You Can Stop Repeating the Same Comment for Now. Thank You.
@lasisofficial5210 Жыл бұрын
@@ly_smileylass1427 yeah I mean is really annoying
@treasuremaker5474 Жыл бұрын
@@ly_smileylass1427 yeah that's what I'm trying to say it to her 😡
@kyutiepie9345 Жыл бұрын
the day when junkyu cry will be over for us .
@treumedeul2843 Жыл бұрын
Yey may subtitle na pala.
@leeri-s3p Жыл бұрын
왜 울려고 시도함?? 웃는게 더 귀요운데❤❤
@zee_hyun3186 Жыл бұрын
Hyunsuk giving Junkyu the onions for his mom to cook kekekeke
@mellifluouseaj Жыл бұрын
bruhhh the way hyunsuk screaming to his old videos sooo cute
@영훈-z1q Жыл бұрын
@dobbybee Жыл бұрын
again international teume : "if they smile we smile" :D
@kkyulove09 Жыл бұрын
준규 오빠 아이러브유🥰🥰🥰
@candyberry9333 Жыл бұрын
I understand junkyu's feeling well. I'm also don't cry even when I'm so happy. My tears don't come out :⁠-⁠| I don't show my emotions easily. But when I'm alone in my room, I cry a lot. This way helps me to cure my feeling.
@missautonomy8510 Жыл бұрын
I actually wanna see contents from the hyung line together too, its a very rare thing 🥲
@Thisdyaaaaa Жыл бұрын
I don't understand what they said, but keep watching them.
@User_eightchyper Жыл бұрын
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 너무 행복해.. 너무 자랑스러웠어.. 그냥 건강해주시고바라 도 행복한 시간이봐요 다들 ❤
@aqsar0811 Жыл бұрын
Thank you to HYUNSUK and JUNKYU🦔🐨💎💎💎💎💎💎
@emilyann4504 Жыл бұрын
This is unusual.. 18 hours passed and no english sub yet?
@akina0708 Жыл бұрын
Aside from that, the boys have been through a lot 🤧 so proud of you TREASURE
@ly_smileylass1427 Жыл бұрын
However, I Want to See the Whole Group Doing a Full Reaction 🎥📽 on All of their "YG Treasure Box" Moments. Most Probably All of the 👦 Saying the Following Sentences in a Loud & Emotional Manner. "We Miss Mashiho (Hyung) and Yedammie (Hyung). 🥺😢😭" "Aww! Doyoungie, Haruto, Jeongwoo & Jung Hwannie Looked Small & Cute. 😍🤩😘🥰" "Everyone of Us were More Naive & Child-Like Looking at That ⏰ than Now. Isn't It? 😉" "Why is Asahi (Hyung) More Stiffer & Emotionless than Now?" Meanwhile, the Best Way to Make Junkyu Shed Tears is to Have Him Watching his 17/18-Year-Old Self Being in a Depressed Mood for a Period of ⏰. (Within the 1st Episode of "YG Treasure Box".) Lastly, I Hope that You Don't Mind Me Listing Out What Kind of Reactions All of the TRUZ Babies (Including Both Mate-CChan & Yedee-Chan) will Have (if They Got the Chance to Watch All of the "YG Treasure Box" Episodes Within the Fictitious, Virtual & Animated Universe Where They are Living In). These Reactions are Just Purely my Own Imagination. 1. All 12 of Them Seeing All of the Eliminated "YG Treasure Box" Trainees for the 1st ⏰ Ever, "Who are All These Uncles? Why We have Never Seen Them Before?" 2. Yochi-Kun Reacting on Yoshinori-Kun Visiting Mr. Kanemoto's Grave Within Kobe in 🇯🇵, "Although I am Glad, Thankful & 🙂😊🤗 to Be Loved by Daddy, Grandma, Great-Grandma, my 3️⃣ Aunties & Kerori-Chan, I Want to Meet Grandpa in Person Within Dreamland." 🥺😢😭 3. Podongie will Be Shedding Lots of Tears After Seeing Jung Hwannie Being Scolded by Team C's Vocal Trainer. 4. Similarly, Bonbonnie will Also Be Shedding Lots of Tears After Seeing Junkyu Being Depressed for a Period of ⏰. 5. Lawoo-Chan will Also Be Shedding Lots of Tears Over the Scene Which Jae Hyukkie was Crying While Walking from the Training Room to the 🚹. 6. Both Bonbonnie & Ruru-Chan Being Shocked & Surprised to Learnt that Both Junkyu & Haruto-Kun Once had a Brief Rivalry with Each Other. (From the 2nd "YG Treasure Box" Episode.) 7. Yedee-Chan Reacting to Baby Yedammie's Duet with Mr. Bang, "Although I ❤ Daddy Very Much, I am Also Thankful Towards Grandpa & Grandma for Raising Him Well. I ❤ Them Very Much Too." 😍 8. Mate-CChan will Also Be Shedding Tears After Seeing Mashiho-Kun Getting Himself Injured (While Practising the Backflip Action with Junkyu Multiple Times) Along with These Words, "Daddy has Been Dancing & Doing Lots of Acrobatic Actions for More than Half of his Own Life. Isn't It?" 9. Woopy-Chan will Became Emotional with Lots of Tears After Seeing Jeongwoo Crying Over the Message 🎥📽 from Mrs. Park. 10. Chilli-Kun's ❤ (Heart) will Feel Even Warmer After Seeing Hyun Sukkie Encouraging Others After Seeing Them Working Hard. 11. Ruru-Chan will Also Shed Tears Over the Scene in Which Mrs. Watanabe was Hugging Haruto-Kun in Tears. (On the Eve of the Day Before He Left 🇯🇵 to Compete in "YG Treasure Box" Within 🇰🇷 as Team J's Youngest Trainee.) 12. Romy-Chan's Face will Glow with Joy After Seeing Ji Hoonnie Return to YG Entertainment as 1️⃣ of Team B's Newest Trainees. (After He was Expelled from Team A a Few Months Earlier Due to Lack of Improvement on his Own Skills.) 13. Sommie-Chan's Face will Goes "Aww!" After Seeing Doyoungie's Excellent Solo Dance Skills at the Age of 14. 🥰😍🤩😘 14. Hikunnie will Hide his Own Emotions of Sadness with a Stiff-Looking Face. [After Seeing Asahi-Kun Being (Briefly) Eliminated from "YG Treasure Box".]
@arisong772 Жыл бұрын
아앙ㅇ ㅜㅜㅜ 짱재믹다앙 💗💗💗💗
@airaayusoff4502 Жыл бұрын
So proud of u hyunsukie and junkyu...
@Mikasaxx0 Жыл бұрын
Treasure always be strong and happy. Let's shine let's be super star 💙💎
@GSC94 Жыл бұрын
@cottoncandylover8675 Жыл бұрын
Our precious silverboys. It’s been a long time for me too not seeing those videos. I’m just happy for you guys, and really hoping to see more Junkyu’s performances
@allaboutchina6271 Жыл бұрын
Junkyu…i bet you’ll cry with red onions
@iVyIPTeume Жыл бұрын
those embarrassing photo/vids you have made me love you Junkyu and Hyun Suk ❤❤
@woxuhrhgdu Жыл бұрын
He's like Jisoo never cries infront of people just cries in their own place,,,
@nono_so_yes_nnwl Жыл бұрын
Junkyu said he never cried because of happiness. If Junkyu cries my heart will break.
@alifakyu8209 Жыл бұрын
My junkyu so cute...i like junkyu & hyunshuk.... 🥰🔥❤️
@vipjmdmteume929 Жыл бұрын
@LadygraceOmaya-em9mb Жыл бұрын
watching them both it's so cute.❤
@Jennn460 Жыл бұрын
I don’t need subs. They are so expressive! These two with the longest history!
@finnatan5891 Жыл бұрын
@kyutiekhaiyiiii Жыл бұрын
OMG my kyu and hyunsukie 💙
@timeto2000 Жыл бұрын
이거 진짜 레전드
@E.E.E.1932 Жыл бұрын
Pls add subtitles soon.
@rizkiseptiyani1319 Жыл бұрын
Lol i still curious with hyunsuk's last reaction😂 the jamet era🙏
@tahingambang Жыл бұрын
This duo is legend
@haniyaqasim9853 Жыл бұрын
i really agree with junkyu that crying out of happiness is something i never understood becuase when someone is happy the person with smile laugh why would cry i never cried out of happiness and rarely when sad
@Ker.bxmonster Жыл бұрын
@allyouwant5979 Жыл бұрын
My ultimate bias Junkyu and my bias wrecker u both
@farahdalleli6043 22 күн бұрын
For me hyunsuk is the funniest boy ❤😂
TREASURE - 팩트체크 ✔️ 본격 아사히 청문회 👽 외계인 체크
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I pretended like it was my first time at a TREASURE fan signing event
쟈분젤 Jabunjel
Рет қаралды 865 М.
А кто у вас дома укладывает детей?😂
Sigma Kid Love #funny #sigma
Рет қаралды 14 МЛН
Настя, это где?
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Когда сила оказалась всего лишь иллюзией! #shorts
Рет қаралды 1,6 МЛН